Thursday, December 29, 2011


I never knew how much real estate billboards occupied in Meredith's mind.

This year we were lucky enough to find a wonderful private school for Meredith--it is her favorite place in the world now...quite the contrast to the last few years. The school is about 10 miles from our house and we gladly make the commute each day. Most people sigh when I tell them about the distance thinking that I must hate it, but I have found it to be great. Especially having a tween, you get more information from them when they're stuck in the car with you for an hour each day.

On one particular morning commute, Meredith mentioned something about what the next billboard was going to be. She explained that she knows how to get to school by following the billboards. When her Dad had to drive her to school one day, she said as an example, that is how she told him how to get there.

Apparently, she has a (mental) movie of the drive to school and that is how she knows the order of the billboards. My obvious question to her was, "What happens when the billboards change?" Boy, that was a launching board question.

Everytime a billboard changes, Merebith has to go and edit the movie to reflect the new pictures. Meredith then described in detail how Merebith accomplishes that. In the past, Dogot (Merebith's helper that is a dog robot) has gotten on Merebith's computer and really messed things up just pressing random keys. So now, Merebith has a secure location where she performs her editing. I can't recall all the exact details, but Meredith described to me (looking up as if she was watching the movie) all the multitude of security doors, locks, more doors, hallways, shoots, etc. that Merebith has to pass through in order to get to her editing room. She looked up and counted pointing with her finger, "...9, 10, 11...12 doors to get there."

And then she told me that whole story about how Merebith has a picture of Dogot with his first "parts" on the mouse pad of her editing computer. In case you didn't read the previous post, Dogot started as a baby robot of sorts and in his lifetime he will exchange parts about five times until he is full grown.

So, guess what? They just erected two new billboard frames near our house. I looked over at Meredith in the car when we passed by and I said, "Merebith's going to be busy, isn't she?" and Meredith responded with a groan, "I know."

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